Sunday, May 24, 2015

Welcome, Kailey!

The Shepardsville Team is excited to welcome Kailey Burns to the team. Kailey has a beautiful voice that adds volumes to the Team's sound (no pun intended). Here's a little bit about her:

Favorite past time: I like doing things with friends -like playing music & singing, going for walks, playing volleyball, hiking, working outside...
Instruments you play: piano and guitar.
How old were you when you started learning your first instrument?  I started playing around on the piano when I was 3 or 4 and mostly just taught myself until I was a teenager.
Favorite food? Ummmm I'm basically a chocoholic :P 
One more thing..."When I first found out about the Shepardsville Team I went through all the previous posts to find everyone's birthdays and read them."

You can meet Kailey at Henry&Ida's Gospel Barn on June 7.


Gina said...

Yay!!!! Rock on girl!! New blood is always great

shepardsvilleteam said...

thanks, Gina

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Love your singing!!