Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Power of Prayer

   In each day of a Christian's life, a battle rages. The heavenly realms are filled with the armies of God and of Satan, each doing the will of their master. Most of those battles are being fought over the souls of people on earth. God's angels fight to win a precious soul for the Kingdom; Satan's demons fight to gain a valuable soul to take with them to their destruction.

   We as believers face many choices every day. Choices of right or wrong, good or evil. If you stop to consider ALL the choices you make in your life every day, you will be overwhelmed. Little choices - what to wear, what to eat, where to sleep, what to drink - the list is endless. Medium choices - what to read, what to watch, where to go, how to act - the list goes on. Big choices - what to say, how to listen, what to spend your money on, who to spend your time with - you can think of many more! Huge choices - where to live, what church to attend, what mission field to pursue, who to marry - and many, many more. Some of these choices are far more important than others. Yet often we take more time thinking about the things of less importance than doing the things of greater importance. The thing is that we do it without realizing it. So, how do we as Christ's followers make choices that honor and glorify Him the most? We pray!

   When we pray, we establish a direct communion with God. When we pray, we tune into God's Spirit and He directs our steps in the way that is most honoring and glorifying to Himself. When we pray, a floodgate in heaven is opened for God to make the choices. When we pray for God to have His way, for His will to be done and not our own, the angels are given more power over the demons! When we pray, the power is yanked out of Satan's hands and put into God's hands where it belongs!! When we pray, the forces of heaven fight!!! So, pray, brothers and sisters, pray! Pray for God to take the reigns of life!! Pray for His will to be done!!! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!! 
THEN, be willing to do.                                         

1 comment:

Prayer Warrior said...

Amen. Prayer is THE most important thing one can do. Keep praying. Pray without ceasing. Then you see the results.